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I think I see something...

Ok, last one for today, I swear.

This image is making its way around the 'net fast, but I couldn't resist:

Drawing by Patrick Moberg I was wondering how long it would take for someone to make this image. Too bad it wasn't me! But it's such a potent way to summarize how no matter what happens, nothing will ever be the same. HUZZAH!
Read more: http://www.blogdoctor.me/2007/02/expandable-post-summaries.html#ixzz1Ygp5vxLJ


  1. he he, i just saw this image on another site. amazing wins!

  2. Indeed. And not only is it a showcase of progress, it's also a history of hairdos in the White House! hee hee

  3. Funny and a relief all in one. Hadn't seen this, so thanks!
