With the theme of "Time", I figured no one knows more than the Doctor.
I've become pretty obsessed with the "new" Doctor Who - which is obvious in the fact that I haven't done fan art since high school. It's actually a recent obsession, so thank you, Netflix.
I did this in a chibi manga style just out of time constraints, rather than something more like I usually do. I finished the other project I needed to do - so I was able to spend 2 days on the coloring and the layered background. I took a bunch of characters from different stages in the story line. Captain Jack is hanging onto the side of the T.A.R.D.I.S. from the Utopia episode. Inside is the 10th Doctor, as portrayed by David Tennant (who I think everyone will really miss when Matt Smith Takes over). He is grabbing hold of Martha Jones in bascially what was her costume for the first 6 or so episodes she was in. She is linked to Donna Noble (in her wedding dress from her first appearance) through the fob watch from Human Nature/Family of Blood 2-part episode (which is one of my favorite stories). Rose Tyler & Mickey Smith are transparent, stuck in a parallel universe, but trying to break through!
-Ok! Enough of that nerding!
I did the drawing & ink by hand, scanned it, colored in Photoshop. The background is a photo of space I pulled offline and a series of color gradients at different transparency levels. I was trying to give it equal levels of reality & cartoony. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I had fun doing it, which is what really matters.
Read more: http://www.blogdoctor.me/2007/02/expandable-post-summaries.html#ixzz1Ygp5vxLJ
Danyell, this is so cool! Ok, I don't watch too much Dr. Who. My husband's a fan, though, so I've seen a few episodes. I love how you've pulled everything together. And the spacey background is awesome! What a fun piece. :D