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Illustration Friday: Sugary

I decided I'm going to start participating somewhat regularly on Illustration Friday. You get a topic, you illustrate it, you show it. Imma try to do it at least once a month. This week's topic was "Sugary". Read more: http://www.blogdoctor.me/2007/02/expandable-post-summaries.html#ixzz1Ygp5vxLJ


  1. a lovely illustration, it's raining sweets yet she looks so unhappy...

  2. there's something i love about this. maybe it's that it reminds me of those vintage-ey children's books where everyone learns a lesson and lives happily ever after. except she's got this gloomy face, which makes me want to keep wondering about her. i'd like to see more of your illustraions!

  3. This is really nice, I like the vibrant use of color and her expression is done very well.

  4. HAH... I found you!!! HIGH FIVE!! great illustration. Do you have an online gallery of your work? or are they all in posts here?


  5. oh wait... I remembers your website now... love it!!!

  6. Thanks everyone. I just wish the scanner picked up on the subtle color changes a bit more. (It's way too contrast-y) Oh well, now I know better.
